Neubau Eyewear

Urban lifestyle and sustainability – that‘s neubau eyewear

neubau eyewear is an independent lifestyle eyewear brand offering a wide selection of optical frames and sunglasses. All our frames are designed, developed and manufactured in Austria.

Inspired by urban culture

The brand name neubau pays trib­ute to inter­na­tion­al cre­ative hubs such as Vienna’s Neubau dis­trict, locat­ed in the pul­sat­ing heart of the Aus­tri­an cap­i­tal. It is a place where artists, cre­ative souls and up-and-com­ing tal­ents con­nect; a dis­trict com­pa­ra­ble to oth­ers found around the globe from Shored­itch to Williams­burg, from Le Marais to Navigli.

naturalPX: eco-friendly glasses

nat­u­ralPX is a high­ly devel­oped, eco-friend­ly mate­r­i­al used to man­u­fac­ture our poly­mer eye­glass frames. nat­u­ralPX is made from organ­i­cal­ly sourced and renew­able pri­ma­ry prod­ucts, as 65% of it is based on oil extract­ed from the seeds of cas­tor oil plants.

nat­u­ralPX boasts pre­mi­um mate­r­i­al char­ac­ter­is­tics: light in weight, super flex­i­ble and stur­dy, in a wide range of col­ors rang­ing from deep col­ors to a long-last­ing trans­par­ent crys­tal clear fin­ish. The light­ness of the mate­r­i­al allows for com­fort and gives our designs an enjoy­able feel.

Visit the Neubau website by clicking on the logo: